As most of you know it's been awhile since I posted a blog. Mostly because Mike and I have been INSANELY busy! Another reason, there have been lots of little projects to do at the house and who is interested in that? Now we are on to a new project of fixing the yard. As most know, the original landscapers, GoodEarth Landscaping, did a horrible job on grading the yard. Now we have hired Kuhl Landscape to come in and fix the problems.
So far, so good....if it would stop raining! Right now we have a break in the weather and can hopefully get all the work done to make the project a success! Enjoy the pics on the right showing the progress to-date.
Also in our spare time (LOL!) we have been finishing Mike's workshop in the garage. I figure I might as well help him get this done or all the things I want fixed or built won't have space to be done!! Below I've added pictures to show how far we've gotten.
Hope you like the progress!!!